


English version⬇

Boyhood Delusion – Ishikari River “Godzilla” Clouds in Ezochi
This is a delusional version of the Nodo-Ache Akari. How about the movie Godzilla rampaging through such a photographic background? A battle between humans and Godzilla like Momotaro (laughs). …….

 I went to see the doctor yesterday, received medication as I was taught, and have been quiet. Thanks to this, the sore throat has gone away clean and clear, and the fatigue from the business trip interview is gradually disappearing, giving me a sense of relaxation.
 I wrote a little about “Gojira Clouds” the other day, but personally, I still remember the various faces of Gojira Clouds in the ocean of my boyhood memories, and it is a scene that always reverberates in my brain. The day before yesterday morning, I suddenly realized that I had taken a distant view from the third floor of our house.
 Our house is located against the southern mountainous area of the Ishikari Plain, with the Asian continent and Russia in the distance. In the morning scene, the right side of the picture is to the east, and the left side is the mouth of the Ishikari River. When we look out from Sapporo toward the Ishikari River, we can see this kind of “cloud” expression on a daily basis.
 I believe that westerly winds from the Sea of Japan blow and flow along the Ishikari River, and when they come into contact with the updrafts and water vapor rising from the water flow of the Ishikari River, clouds along the flow path are generated, as you can see.
 My heart was absorbed by these clouds, which were shaped like the movie “Godzilla,” which I had just watched as a boy.
 In the present day, Godzilla’s “march” slowly appears in the slightly cooler atmosphere that reminds us of the coming of autumn. Now I am watching from a position near the base of the local Triangle Mountain, but in my boyhood, in almost the same direction, such a Godzilla cloud was marching through the trees from the southwest side of the North University Botanical Garden.
 Although only about 150 years have passed in Hokkaido, I sometimes dream that when Japanese people continue to live here in the future, such cloud-shaped scenes may provide thematic material for their so-called “folk customs. This may be connected to the fact that in the Kanto Plain, “Bando Taro” cloud formations are the core of a certain “folk custom.
 If such a thing were to take root in the history of a people, it might be necessary to have an easy-to-understand story with folkloric traditions like Momotaro or Kachikachiyama, but I don’t think such an opportunity exists in modern society. Perhaps it is necessary for modern people to challenge such “folklore” in a modern style.
 It may be a catchy idea to make Godzilla actually walk as science fiction against the background of this picture, which will be perpetuated in the folklore. Such an out-of-the-box idea may be appreciated as a folklore characteristic of Hokkaido after a century or so has passed. I am hoping that the local people will come up with such an idea. It is just a fantasy (laughs).




English version⬇

[Went to the hospital with a sore throat. Diagnosis of Reflux Disease
Many people around me suffer from this gastric acid reflux disease. It is not a more serious disease and can be treated by improving lifestyle. I will do my best to rebuild my way of life. ・・・・.

 The photo has nothing to do with the text (laughs). It is a dragon, a common ceiling painting in Japanese religious paintings. My mental image of the dragon is that it is a sign of the end of illness.
 Yesterday morning, I could not sleep because of discomfort in my throat and had to get up early. The discomfort in my throat is always aggravated when I am in a sleeping position. However, I wanted to sleep, so I got up twice in the middle of the night, gargled, and went back to sleep => throat discomfort again, and so on.
 Well, in the end, the throat discomfort would subside if I stayed awake, so I decided to stay up early and headed to my desk to meditate in the morning before going to the hospital. I went to my “family doctor”, a diabetes specialist, in a building where several specialty hospitals are located, but I remembered that there was an ENT across the street and I had seen him several times.
 I had a sore throat, so I called once before entering the front door in response to the possibility/suspicion of corona, and was then allowed to enter the room.
 After I had been admitted, I entered the room and was finally able to see the doctor. After explaining the situation, a detailed diagnosis with a “camera” was made immediately. About 10 minutes after the anesthesia was given, I was able to see a detailed image of the affected area.
 The otolaryngologist gave me the name of “pharyngolaryngeal reflux disease. There is no suspicion of a more serious lesion, such as cancer of the larynx. In short, it is reflux of gastric acid, and it occurs in the sleeping position,” he explained. It is not a very serious lesion and is expected to improve with medication and other treatments.
 I have heard a lot about reflux disease, as many people in my age group have suffered from it. I was beginning to think that this disease might be the cause of my recent poor physical condition.
 I happened to eat a slightly spicy Chinese dish at dinner before the onset of the disease and had quite a runny nose during the meal, but I realized that it could have been the trigger. I also understood that I was more likely to develop the disease if I went to bed shortly after eating. Since the medication, Kesa’s discomfort has been completely resolved. I was reminded once again that I must be more careful in managing my health condition as I enter my old age. So, please excuse me for today’s blog, which is a personal reminder.
 On the other hand, there was a tragic incident in China yesterday, where a Japanese boy was murdered while on his way to school accompanied by his family. I am getting a nagging feeling that the postwar Japanese society itself is being questioned. ・・・・.




English version⬇

Sericultural silkworm houses in mulberry trees, the power of life that springs from them.
Sericulture, the largest foreign currency earning industry that supported Japanese society from the Edo period and Meiji period to the prewar period. More than a house, it is an “industrial heritage”. The spirit of our ancestors, the heart and soul of Made in Japan. The spirit of our ancestors, the heart and soul of Made in Japan.

 Finally, I returned to my work desk and was checking the progress of various communications when I received a reply from one of the most recent correspondents. When I checked what kind of reply I received, I found a heartwarming acceptance with a very grateful impression. I was relieved and at the same time, the letter showed that they deeply understood the contents of the materials we had provided.
 We were truly grateful for their deep understanding. I am grateful for the cordiality that is gradually being conveyed to me.
 I was deeply impressed by the appreciation of human communication activities.
 In between the progress of these major tasks, I have started to organize the huge 6.43 GB of photo data from this project. I am organizing the photos in my own way, but this process naturally involves talking to the “real data.
 It is also a way to relive the atmosphere of the shoot and what I was thinking at the time. So I consider it a major point to clarify my “spatial memory” with as little time as possible.
 But the amount I finished working on in one day yesterday was probably about 2-3% of the total. This work alone will probably take about a week. However, as someone who has been covering housing for a long time, I feel a strong sense of the “hand tools” that are used in this project.
 The houses in the Fukushima City Minka-en were the first stop on this tour. The first house was this silkworm farmhouse. Before its relocation, it was the former Ono family residence in Date City, Fukushima Prefecture. From the Edo and Meiji periods to the prewar period, sericulture in Japan was a main industry that earned valuable foreign currency. When sericulture was in slump in Europe and the United States, especially in France, the Japanese sericulture industry made great progress. The northern part of Fukushima Prefecture was the most advanced region in the sericultural industry. I once visited an old sericultural farmhouse near Asahikawa in Hokkaido, and I believe that the family had migrated from the Fukushima area.
 The house had a half-gabled roof that was cut off to allow for uniform lighting inside the house, and the attic and mezzanine floor were used as a silkworm room. The house in Hokkaido was almost exactly the same configuration. The building was proudly and warmly welcoming visitors, surrounded by mulberry leaves.
 The building was constructed in 1873. Although Japanese society had just entered the global market economy, the quantity and quality of the raw silk produced was suddenly world-class. It is fascinating to think that an island nation on the edge of Far East Asia was able to compete with the world powers thanks above all to the silkworms produced in such a gentle atmosphere. As an architectural structure, it also has a profound folkloric appeal.The last photo is a symbol of the “prayer” of the sericultural people.




English version⬇

[Total amount of photos covered: 6.43 GB, to be sorted and organized
Functional architecture to store and preserve rice and unhulled rice from the hot and humid climate. It seems to be a cradle of Japanese “spirituality” toward the most important foodstuff. Architecture and folk customs resonate with each other. Architecture and folklore resonate with each other.

 After two days in Tokyo, the last of my appointments, I returned to Sapporo before 8 p.m. on yesterday’s slightly delayed flight. According to my acquaintance in Tokyo, the maximum temperature during the day was 34 degrees Celsius, and it was actually hard to be in the sun. Well, since we are traveling by car and our purpose is to visit architectural sites, we probably only spend about one hour a day completely in the open air. It is thought that the heat shields and air conditioning systems in the public transportation and inside the buildings function well enough to maintain the daily life of the people.
 However, the cool air that I felt when I landed in Hokkaido enveloped my whole body. My wife, who came to pick me up, said, “I wondered whether or not I should bring a coat of clothing. After a good night’s sleep, I woke up feeling refreshed and clear, probably due to the temperature. By the way, I took a walk in Ueno Park yesterday morning, and when I started walking, I felt a little “fuzzy” (laugh). It was partly fatigue, but I guess the outside temperature, even in the morning, was still “lingering” from the high temperature and humidity during the day.
 So, from today, I would like to return to my daily duties while simultaneously working on editing the large amount of photo data from the interviews, such as the one in the title.
 Using image editing software such as Photoshop, I am in the process of re-experiencing, reliving, and reconstructing the “firsthand sensations” of the interviews, while simultaneously collecting various additional “information” at the same time. This process forms the core of my background and my pursuit of the theme of the interview. A time of immersion.

 The photo shows the “Former Sakuma Family Itakura” preserved in the Minkaen in Fukushima City.
 It is that “inochi” architecture of the first place we visited in this tour. It was built in the late 19th century during the Edo period, so it is, well, a “basic functional architecture for agriculture” about 200 years old. This kind of “functionality-only” architecture is very “refreshing. It is wonderful that the building is straightforward in terms of the social functionality that it should fulfill.
 The roof is made of layers of thinly processed wood shingles made from chestnut trees. The walls are made of thick wooden planks that are “dropped” into the pillars by digging grooves in them. The wooden house is usually called a “granary” and is used for storing unhulled rice before threshing. It is a functional architecture that is designed to cope with heat and humidity by raising the subfloor and opening up the back of the house to improve ventilation. It seems to be an architecture that fully responds to the climate. The wall panels can be removed at any time, so the storage capacity can be adjusted according to the amount of paddy.
 However, despite this ingenious construction, it was difficult to protect the building from rodent damage, so they put up “guardian tags” and “prayed” for protection.
 This last part, “praying,” is what makes my heart respond. When I think that something about “folk customs” is involved in this, I cannot help but react deeply.



 江戸期の一定の「公職」従事者であった芭蕉さんは、乗馬しての旅行きが可能だったのだろうと思います。WEB検索で「奥の細道の移動総距離」と入力すると〜元禄2年(1689)3月27日、芭蕉は門人曾良を伴い江戸を発ち、奥羽・北陸の各地をめぐり、8月20日過ぎに大垣へ着くまでの、距離約六百里(約2,400キロ)日数約150日にも及ぶ長旅である。 旅の目的は、歌人能因や西行の足跡を訪ね、歌枕や名所旧跡を探り、古人の詩心に触れようとした。〜とある。


English version⬇

[End of rental car travel, total distance traveled: 1,537 km/4 days].
In Basho’s time, horseback and foot were the basic means of transportation. Although some important persons used horseback transportation, we must take our hats off to those who were willing to use their physical strength and curiosity. The journey to the

The photo is a bronze sculpture of Basho and his disciple Sora from “The Narrow Road to the Deep North” in Kurobane, Tochigi. I do not know how the research was done, but since the museum facility is publicly operated, I think that the excavation of the facts on which the bronze sculpture was commissioned must have been done in a certain way. Perhaps there is a high degree of credibility in this kind of figure.
 Basho, who was a constant “official” during the Edo period (1603-1868), could have traveled on horseback, and a web search for “total distance traveled on the Narrow Road to the Deep North” shows that – on March 27, 1689 (Genroku 2), Basho left Edo accompanied by his student Sora, traveled around Ou and Hokuriku regions, and arrived in Ogaki after August 20, 1689 (Genroku 2). It was a long journey of about 150 days, covering a distance of about 600 ri (about 2,400 km). The purpose of the journey was to visit the footsteps of the poets Noin and Saigyo, to explore the poetry pillars and historic sites, and to experience the poetic spirit of the ancients. 〜The total distance traveled is 1,000 kilometers.
 In terms of the total distance traveled, it would seem that the means of transportation itself, by horse and foot, did not change much since several tens of thousands of Oshu forces traveled as far as Kyoto during the period of the Nanboku-cho uprisings, some 300 years earlier than Basho’s time.

 Although our destinations were completely different, my total distance traveled this time was 1,537 km in 4 days. This means that I traveled 5/8 of Basho’s total distance in 4/150 days. The time difference is 335 years.
 In the broad sense of purpose, Basho’s and my trip are awe-inspiring, but they are similar in that they are both “expeditions to gather information for the purpose of expression. In contrast, I realize that the modern and contemporary travelers are able to enjoy scientific progress for which I am very grateful.
 However, I am indeed feeling a little older (laugh). Yesterday evening, I had a lot of time to exchange information with old acquaintances, but I handed over my rental car just before the meeting and used public transportation. I had to leave the rental car just before that, and the rest was done by public transportation, but as expected, I am feeling a little “tired.
 Today, as I am finally returning home, I am relaxing on my bed, stretching my muscles, trying to identify the areas of muscle fatigue, and doing muscle stretches. I felt stiffness in my left thigh and other areas. It was concentrated on the side of the left leg that is used most frequently when driving a car. It is rare to feel muscle fatigue from the body other than mental fatigue when driving a car. I was grateful to my body for holding up so well.
 Until the Edo period, people mainly walked at a speed of 4 km per hour. Walking is the basic movement of human beings, so it seems that they have a very high tolerance for fatigue. But even so, I am amazed at the strength of the initiator’s mind and the old people’s willingness to take action who thought of traveling such a long distance. It’s amazing, isn’t it, Mr. Basho?



English version⬇

[Taro Bando “Godzilla” Clouds Appear… Highway Traffic Jam of Dark Clouds
Since his boyhood and the movie series, Godzilla-kun has become a complete lifelong friend. He entertains me by temporarily entrusting me with the clouds in the sky. It’s been a while since I got the image. …

 Yesterday was the last day of travel for this news tour. We were traveling at high speed from place to place, and in the middle of the trip, there was a huge traffic jam starting near the southern part of Sano SA on the Tohoku Expressway. I was not sure of the settings on my rental car and did not have access to road traffic information, so I had no idea what the situation was, and was forced to repeatedly slow down and stop. Well, it had to be done.
 I looked up at the sky and saw a rather surreal sight of clouds, which is my specialty these days (laugh). As I wrote yesterday, clouds are formed when moisture rises into the air, rises, and cools. The clouds I saw in this situation reminded me of “Godzilla” (laugh).
 I have been deeply fascinated by Godzilla since I was a comic book boy – science fiction lover since my boyhood. From the second floor of my house facing the road on the west side of the botanical garden in Chuo-ku, Sapporo, where I spent my elementary and junior high school years, I could always see the rising air currents along the Ishikari River, which flows into the distant Sea of Japan, and the clouds that form along its course as “the great march of Godzilla’s army. Depending on the season and the time of day, Godzilla’s expression and appearance would vary in color and pattern, and the march at dawn would have a frightening, eerie quality to it.
 On the other hand, the whitish lines of them in the blue sky that pierced the sky during the summer daytime had a cute and innocent feeling to them.
 Since that original experience, when I look up at the clouds over a wide plain, I always have a psychological expectation of a reunion with Godzilla.
 In my life in Tokyo, perhaps because of the forest of buildings and the small area of sky above them, I had almost no such habitual experience. Later, however, as I began to travel around the large Kanto region by car more and more often, I found that I was indeed in the home of “Bando Taro” (laughs).
 (Laughs) Sometimes you come across an influential statue of Godzilla. Among such, Mr. Godzilla this time showed up at quite a good time. The coloring and proportions of this Godzilla are quite impressive, and it really sinks into the heart of the viewer. The head is very clear, and the tail is also in good shape. The height of Godzilla is probably several hundred meters, giving it a perfect sense of enormity.
 The fact that I was able to capture this image with my smartphone, taking advantage of the heavy traffic on the expressway and the slow pace of the road, was also a good sign of its good timing. Generally, such a cloud of Godzilla is a living and flowing thing, so after a little time, there is no trace of it.
 So, how do you like the Taro Bando type Godzilla attacking the highway?



English version⬇

Chasing Clouds, Considering Human Beings and Society through Architectural Space
The “last” house visit of the person I wanted to see the most. I felt something was “conveyed” to me and “made sense” to me. The journey to follow the clouds continues. The journey to follow the clouds will continue.

 Yesterday, I was able to visit the place I wanted to visit the most during this tour. This is the living space I wanted to experience the most.
 While taking a large number of photographs there, I have been spending my time talking with the mind of the owner who created the living space in my mind’s eye. I have one photography teacher, and I use only one word from him as my walking stick, so to speak, when taking photographs. And beyond that method, there are moments when I make a “discovery” that saturates my mind with images.
 After that, I begin the process of organizing the photos, and they may reflect some of my own mental images at the time, or they may be “just as they are” (laughs). It is a time to examine one’s inner self as an “interview subject. In this way, a total dialogue between the interviewee and myself as the interviewee emerges.
 Through such a process, the accumulation of a large number of interviews is accumulated. It becomes like a kind of liquid, and eventually it starts to feel like an ocean. From there, there is a “saturated substance” that distills and is reflected in the huge campus of the atmosphere, and it takes on the form of a cloud.
 Recently, I have been strongly stimulated by the appearance of clouds, and I am beginning to realize that there is such a “filtration” within me.
I feel that this is something I have been noticing because of this kind of “filtration” within myself.
 The photo is a back view of the Okumiya Shrine in the Kashima Jingu Shrine. It is said that Tokugawa Ieyasu, who was able to establish the Edo shogunate, had this shrine built as a dedication to Takemikazuchi, the greatest god of war in Japanese society. In light of the above, the space of a shrine is a very specific mental space of “Japanese society,” a space that expresses something that can be called ethnic or folklore. Perhaps, it is a space that people who have lived in the regional space of the Japanese archipelago have continued to respect as an “asylum” of the mind closest to their own mental image. From the above description, it seems to be a symbolic existence where water filtered through the earth and the ocean has formed an image like a cloud.
 And for some reason, I felt more “sukiyaki” when I encountered this shot, the back view from the side of the grove in the background, than the front side of the Okumiya architecture. It seemed more attractive to me.
 The tour continues today. The day after tomorrow will be the last day of the tour, as I will be meeting with friends and acquaintances. I am looking forward to seeing what kind of Sukiyos I will be able to meet today. As for me, it seems that I will be “chasing clouds” for a while yet (laughs).




English version⬇

From the skies of travel, on a tour that started yesterday.
Today’s report is a report of the clouds that are changing in a thousand different ways due to the overcrowded schedule of the press tour. See you tomorrow. See you next time.

 The photo shows summer clouds at a certain location in Fukushima Prefecture.
 Yesterday, I left Sapporo, entered Kanto, and then traveled to Fukushima Prefecture. The distance traveled was a bit overwhelming, and I was exploring old buildings and houses that I had been interested in for some time. Even after getting back to the hotel, I was still immersed in organizing the large number of photos I had taken.
 It’s related to a project I’m working on, but it’s been a while since I’ve had such a concentrated schedule, so it’s been a little difficult to find time to write a blog post. I may be cramming too much into my schedule. I should think about my age.
 Perhaps it is because I now have a window seat on airplanes, but recently I have been fascinated by the visuals of cloud formations. The Japanese archipelago is long from north to south, is a mountainous archipelago, and is surrounded by the sea on all sides.
 Perhaps the tendency to simplify comes with age, but ever since I was a boy, I have had a weakness for such diverse cloud formations. After all, when one keeps seeing dynamic and dramatic scenes, it seems as if a man’s life is just a continuous pursuit of clouds (laughs).
 Well, such is a simple and acceptable way of thinking.
 So, I would like to leave as soon as possible, as I am planning to move around here and there from early in the morning today. I hope to have a little more time tomorrow. Best regards.




English version⬇

Protein Sources” Transformation in Human and Ex-African Diffusion
Humans flexibly transformed their food habits as a result of global cooling following the Toba volcanic eruption. The diet of land animals and that of saltwater fish changed almost equally. …

 Yesterday, I had the opportunity to study the NHK-BS program “Frontier: 8 Billion People/Secrets of Human Prosperity,” which had been videotaped. My TV viewing is limited to programs that have been video-recorded and saved by my wife. She has a very good grasp of my preferences, and I am deeply dependent on her for her “itchy hands” when it comes to organizing information from the general media. I am like Sun Wukong riding around on a kin-do cloud in the palm of the Buddha called Kami (laugh).
 This program is a very easy-to-understand summary of the latest scientific research on the “Great Journey of Mankind,” and it allows us to hear the opinions of these cutting-edge research scholars, including their personalities, without having to leave our homes. What a wonderful time we live in. I am grateful that even someone like me, who is in a very small field of housing journalism, is able to learn about this kind of knowledge.
 What I wanted to write about today is the clarification, or rather the latest findings, of the fact that the composition of the main protein source of mankind changed when it spread across the continent from Africa to the rest of the world.

 The prevailing theory is that about 70,000 to 75,000 years ago, the Toba volcano on the island of Sumatra, Indonesia, erupted in a major way, causing the climate to cool down, which had a major impact on subsequent human evolution, but as a result, humans had to leave Africa to begin their migration, which was irresistible.
 The “remains” of 74,000 years ago are located in the upper Nile River area in Africa, and bone fragments excavated there have been analyzed.
 I am a meat lover, but I am also very familiar with fish as a sushi ingredient. I am deeply surprised by the close relationship between this and the eruption of Toba Volcano and the Great Journey of Humankind. I had thought that among all the humans in the world, the Japanese archipelago, which is surrounded by oceans on all four sides, inevitably became a predominantly fish-eating region.
 This is true, so it is inevitable that the main route from the Indian Ocean to the Pacific coast of Asia was the migration to the Japanese archipelago.
 Hmmm, interesting.
 Apparently, NHK-BS seems to be doing a good job with its programs these days. As a public broadcaster, there are some incidents, such as an incident in a Chinese-language program, that I am a bit uneasy about, but I would like to fairly evaluate some of these programs.




English version⬇

Reclamation of Solid Floor – Waxing
Waxing firmly based on the reflection of the new construction to protect the material. How can the industry stimulate users’ attachment to their homes will be a core part.

 Building construction is fun (laughs). In the case of remodeling, the “change” is most clearly visible to the client, and it gives the illusion of a bright future (laugh) being visualized in the process.
 This is self-evident, and it is impossible to commission construction work or to “redecorate” on one’s own with a “backward” mindset. The Japanese housing market has been supported by the demand for new construction, but it is unlikely that the single leg of demand for new construction will be sufficient in the face of a declining population. In this context, the market structure of the U.S. and European countries can be considered as the basic concept of how the housing market will survive in the future. The “make what you have better” orientation.
 The flooring work at my house – 2. The floor was waxed twice before and after the waxing, and the third waxing is scheduled for today. The contractor will also be moving the refrigerator and other appliances, and the pine wood floor will be restored to its original beauty and fragrance. The photo above was taken after the second waxing, so we expect the finished product to be similar to this.
 This is a photo of the construction the day before yesterday, showing how the surface dirt has been scraped away and the pine wood substrate has been regenerated. I guess I had been so relaxed in my preoccupation with the solid board when I built the new house that I had neglected the stains and pains on the surface. But the pine material seems to have forgiven you, telling you “nothing” with a look like “Hey, it’s been a while. Yes, it was like a reunion with an old friend you don’t feel comfortable with. No, that was badass. Didn’t you feel bad for leaving me alone?”
 But solid wood responds to you neatly by “adding a hand” to it. It seems to be a partner with whom such a dialogue is possible. First of all, even though it takes about an hour to travel from my house to this second house and back to check on the house, I couldn’t help but feel as if I was being “called” to the house.
 The relationship between a house and a human being, or “attachment,” so to speak, is an important part of the psychology.
 In retrospect, it seems that it is in this kind of user psychology that the housing industry’s potential for prolonging its life exists. For the government and construction companies, it is ordinary “construction work,” but I think a well-targeted approach to this kind of user psychology is necessary.
 Now that the construction will be completed today, we are reconstructing our lives and how we will use the space after it is handed over to us. This kind of psychology seems to be quite profound.